We recognize God as worthy of all praise and worship, and thus we seek to worship Him with our whole being. This should happen in specific gathered times, personal times and by living our lives of love and obedience to Him. Worship isn’t just something we do – it is also our lifestyle!
As Christians, worshipping God is our primary vocation and value. It is our desire to minister to the Lord through our worship of Him as well as cultivate an environment which encourages as many people as possible to worship Jesus in spirit and in truth.
Worship is foundational in our church. We aim for contemporary musical styles that are relevant for today’s culture and capture the listener’s attention and heart.
We worship every Sunday morning at our service.
Contact Mike Fornwald (Lead Pastor) at the church at 250-492-0888
or email him at: [email protected]
if you are interested in serving on or with our worship teams.