As wonderful as Sunday morning gatherings are, it’s difficult to go deeper in relationship with God and others without another time and place set aside for this to happen. Life groups are one significant space where these close relationships intentionally and naturally happen. We laugh and cry and eat and study and pray together; we grow to know each other and become known in our authentic selves. We support one another in life’s journey, good and bad, in its joys and sorrows. We also go deeper in our relationship with God and, with the support of our friends, begin to become more like Jesus. We learn more about and move into our individual calling, strengths and gifts. We dream and pray about opportunities for ministry as a group.
Life groups come in all sorts of sizes, shapes and colors. These can include traditional bible study groups (where studying a passage of scripture and praying together are the cornerstones), book study groups, life season groups (e.g. moms and young children group, young adult group, seniors group), men’s and women’s groups, special focus groups (e.g. prayer group, spiritual formation group, walking group, writing group), and others.
Our Life Groups usually meet weekly through the year at homes or the church. Dan MacIntosh oversees and supports our Life Groups. If you are interested in joining a Life Group, starting a Life Group, or have questions, please contact Dan. You can reach him at [email protected] or by calling the office at 250-492-0888 during office hours.